Monday, June 11, 2012

Tracking Your Progress

If you have been practicing regularly, then by now you would notice improvement in the mobility of your joints (achieved with the everyday practice of the joint loosening exercise), improvement in your flexibility & stamina (attained through the everyday practice of Surya Namaskar), and clear, slow & deep breathing (made possible through the practice of alternate nostril breathing exercise). By practicing the relaxation technique & chanting, you will find that your mind is calm & peaceful.

But if you haven’t yet experienced any of the above mentioned benefits, then maybe its time for you to do a self check & get yourself back on track to enhancing your health & well being.

One way to keep a tab on your progress is to maintain a daily checklist. It need not be anything elaborate; just a list of few things that you wish to accomplish during the day. My own daily checklist looks somewhat like this:

ü      Exercise / Asanas
ü      Breathing Exercises / Pranayama
ü      Chanting 
ü      Diet
ü      Relaxation

  If I have done my day’s asanas, pranayama, chanting, kept a watch on what I am eating (trying to maximize the intake of nutritious food & minimize junk), applied the relaxation technique into my day, then I put a tick mark against that item. And if not, I put a cross against it. In a few days’ time it becomes clear as to where I am lagging & need to buck up. Also putting things down into the checklist helps me stay focused during the day to accomplish them as I know I have to review it end of day.

Improving our health is in our own hands and with just a little focus & persistence we can easily accomplish our goals.  

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