Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Joint Movements to Loosen Stiff Joints

If you haven't been exercising in a long time, then you are most likely to find your joints stiff. The following sequence of movements, starting from the head to the toes can help relieve that stiffness. This can also serve as a warm-up sequence that can be done before beginning any intense workout.

Note :
a. In any movement that involves squatting /bending knees; make sure that your knees are behind your toes
b. In case you are uncomfortable / feel pain while carrying out any move; then do not do it
c. Neck exercises, especially the neck rotation is to be done slowly. Do not jerk. All movements should be slow & controlled


  1. I tried this warming up exercise. only the last part is little more challenging. Just one question,do have have to follow the sequence or is it okay to do as I remember.

    1. Great to know u tried..u don't necessarily have to follow the order..but its sort of easier to remember it this way as the movements flow from the top to the bottom ( neck, shoulders, chest, back, sides, thighs, calves, ankles & toes )..with consistent practice u will find even the last portions of the sequence easy to do..just a question of time :)
