Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yoga For Eyes

Eye exercises help strengthen eye muscles & reduce strain on the eyes. Before beginning you can splash some water onto your eyes to remove any foreign matter. This will clear your vision. Now to begin the practice, sit in a comfortable position with head in line with the spine & arms relaxed.

Exercise 1:
Look up & down without moving your head or neck. Only the eyeballs should move. Do this 6 times. On completion look in front, close your eyes tightly, contracting the eye muscles. Hold this contraction for a few seconds and then let go quickly. Blink eyes a few times & relax.

Exercise 2:
Look side to side without moving your head or neck. Only the eyeballs should move. Do this 6 times. On completion look in front, close your eyes tightly, contracting the eye muscles. Hold this contraction for a few seconds and then let go quickly. Blink eyes a few times & relax.

Exercise 3:
Look diagonally up on the right hand side & down on the left hand side without moving your head or neck. Do this 6 times. Now, look diagonally up on the left hand side & down on the right hand side 6 times. On completion look in front, close your eyes tightly, contracting the eye muscles. Hold this contraction for a few seconds and then let go quickly. Blink eyes a few times & relax.

Exercise 4:
Eye Rotation: First look up & then towards the right, then down & finally to left without moving head or neck; only the eyeballs should move. Repeat this 6 times. Now change the direction of eye movement – look up & then towards left, then down & finally to right without moving the head or neck. Repeat 6 times. On completion look in front, close your eyes tightly, contracting the eye muscles. Hold this contraction for a few seconds and then let go quickly. Blink eyes a few times & relax.

On completion of all the above 4 eye exercises, briskly rub your palms & place them over your closed eyes. Allow the heat to go into the eyes.

You can practice these simple eye exercises at any time that you find convenient, first thing in the morning or at the end of your day to relieve the eye strain caused by watching television or from staring at the computer monitor the entire day.

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